
Jiangxi: Lushan National Park

 Located in the northern part of Jiangxi Province, to the south of the Yangtze River and northwest of Poyang Lake, Lushan Mountain is a typical horst-style fault block mountain. Situated in north of Jiujiang County and west of Xingzi County, it is a world famous mountain, enjoying a same reputation with Huashan Mountain, where I has been in my Xian day tour. According to historical records, Lushan Mountain has a history of more than 2,000 years. With a total area of 302 square kilometers, it houses 16 natural wonders, 474 scenic spots and 171 peaks, among which the highest peak, Dahanyang Peak, is 1,474 meters above sea level.
Legend says that in Zhou Dynasty, there are seven brothers (1100—256BC) of the Kuang Family who came to cultivate their way, so Mount Lushan is also called the Kuang Mountain, or Kuanglu Mountain. Incorporating magnificences, strangeness, danger, handsomeness, Lushan Mountain has been enjoying a reputation of “the super magnificences of Kuanglu ranks the first all over the world”. Lushan Mountain, together with Jigong Mountain in Henan Province, Moganshan in Zhejiang Province and Beidaihe scenic spot in Hebei Province, which is a famous spot in tours Beijing Xian, are called “the Four Major Summer Resort” in China.

